Setup FSearch on Ubuntu 18.04

Deepika Gunda
1 min readJul 28, 2020


I have used Everything to search for files in Windows . It is incredibly quick . It is one tool I would always include for when I do a clean install on a laptop .

More details here —

I needed the same on Ubuntu . It is so slow to get to files for which you remember the part of the path or name . Fsearch is the alternative which we can use on Ubuntu . I tried it earlier and somehow could not get it to work.

But things have improved and it is very easy now . More details here —

Commands to install on Ubuntu

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:christian-boxdoerfer/fsearch-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install fsearch-trunk

Once installed, search fsearch in Ubuntu Software and launch the application. Add the /home directory to the Edit->Preferences->Database . Give it sometime and it will be ready to use.

A simple google like text box for you to search will be ready shortly . This reduces my need to type so much. Thanks to Christian Boxdörfer !



Deepika Gunda

I am a Software Engineer n Tech Enthusiast . You will see me publishing articles on Javascript, NodeJS and misc.