Github style contribution graph for displaying the activity in your website using Node.js,Express.js,D3.js,Mongodb .

Deepika Gunda
3 min readAug 3, 2018

This article will help you create a github style graph to represent purchase data from your application. With simple modification, you can represent user activity etc in this format.

Well what is Github style ?

Image is worth a thousand words!

Increase in shades of green if more contributions done by user.Darkest green being the best.

Now,lets get a similar graph which shows the orders made through year 2017.Show simple details as to purchases when hovered on a cell meant for a specific day.

How is it helpful ?

  1. At one glance get an idea of the orders.Show color based on the total order amount per day.
  2. You would get an idea if your campaings are working well if during the campaign and later you see a flurry of activity .

How will the final project look ?

Final look of how it looks.

Lets look at how we will achieve this

Step1 : Get data into Mongo .

You can use data from your data source .For the purpose of this article,I have created some random data and placed it in the mlab database . Mlab is a cloud mongo database. More details to get started here.

How the data looks in database.

Step2: Aggregate values from database to get total order amount per day.

'$project': {
createdOn: {'$dateToString': {format: '%Y-%m-%d', date: '$Date'}},

$group: {
_id: "$createdOn",
totalprice: { $sum: "$price" }

Project the date with changed date format and use that to aggregate the total order amount.

Process the results to store in a javascript object so that we can search the total order amount per each day.While using decimal values from mongodb , use parseFloat to get the value for use .

datesTable[obj._id] = (parseFloat(obj.totalprice));

Pass this to the index.pug file ,which renders the graph.The rest of the processing happens in the client side.

Step 3: Index.pug file.

Here we sort the total order value per day and find quantiles .For each threshold,we assign a color. the color class determined by the value is added as a class to the grid cell.

var domainArray = [d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.25),d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.5),d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.65),d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.75),d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.85),d3.quantile(dataArray, 0.95),d3.quantile(dataArray, 1)];var formatColor = d3.scaleThreshold().domain(domainArray).range(d3.range(NUMBER_OF_COLORS).map((d) => `color${d}`));

The github style code is heavily adapted from .

Please go through the entire code to get more idea. Here’s the github link .

Hope you found this article useful .If so, please clap .

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Deepika Gunda

I am a Software Engineer n Tech Enthusiast . You will see me publishing articles on Javascript, NodeJS and misc.